Schneller Versand Sichere Zahlung SHOP REGULATIONS
Table of Contents
§ 1 General Provisions
§ 2 Provision of services by electronic means
§ 3 Conclusion of the contract of sale
§ 4 Payment, delivery, receipt of goods
§ 5 Personal data
§ 6 Complaints
§ 7 Withdrawal from the agreement
§ 8 Additional Information
§1 General:
1.1. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") defines the rules for the use by customers of the online shop and in particular regulate:
a) the conditions for the awarding and performance of contracts of sale;
b) the conditions for the provision of electronic services;
c) rules for the use by consumers of their right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason;
d) the rules and procedures of complaint.
1.2. Definition of terms used in the Regulations:
a) internetowy- Shop online store operating at
b) The service provider, vendor, controller - APG Anita Gmitrzykowska, ul. Kasztanowa 30, 34-300 Zywiec. NIP: PL5532250993, code: 243426914
c) Client - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which uses the service provided electronically by the Service Provider who wants to enter or has entered into a sales agreement with the Seller;
d) Konsument- natural person performing the entrepreneur legal action not directly related to its business or professional activity;
e) Order - expression by the Client will conclude an agreement. Correct submitting orders by the customer result in the receipt to the specified when ordering / registration email address messages Fri. "Order Confirmation" (§. 3.7. Of the Rules), where in the body of the email is given no order;
f) The service provided electronically - a free service consisting of: conducting customer account (for registered customers), availability of customers order form, newsletter service. If in doubt, be deemed to be that for electronically supplied services are also considered all the activities that the Service Provider will perform for the proper operation of the processes described in the first sentence;
g) Registration - create a system Online Shop Customer Account. In order to register, you must complete a registration form. Correct completion of the registration form will result in sending by system vendors automatic email message informing about creating / Account activation
h) Price - the price that the customer store will be obliged to pay for selected products in the event of the sale agreement. The price can be expressed in the following currencies: Polish Zloty (PLN). The price is the gross price (includes necessary VAT). The prices in the online store do not include shipping costs, which are indicated in the traction of the order in the store. Seller warrants that the price indicated in the course of the order will not change during the execution of the sale agreement concluded on the basis of the order.
i) Delivery - entrusted by the Seller of products for the customer to third parties in order to be delivered. Seller agrees to proper packaging and insurance products shipped. The supply of its products Seller entrusts the only specialist courier companies leading in the field of professional activity.
1.3 electronic correspondence concerning the activities of Internet shop to be sent to the e-mail info @ photoprops. while traditional correspondence (mail) should be addressed to:
APG Anita Gmitrzykowska
ul. Kasztanowa 30
34-300 Zywiec
1.4 Client Online Store can be - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which uses the service provided electronically by the Service Provider who wants to enter or has entered into a sales agreement with the Seller.
1.5 Orders are only in Polish. In order to place orders involving the shipment abroad, please contact individually with the Seller or when ordering select your country of delivery.
1.6 Prices in the Online Store are expressed in Polish zloty and include VAT (gross price). Prices do not include any shipping costs, which are dependent on the Customer's method of payment and delivery. The customer is informed about the cost of delivery while placing orders.
1.7 Unless otherwise expressly stated in the information business, the goods available in the online store are new, and the entity responsible for their eventual physical and legal defects is the company: APG Anita Gmitrzykowska, ul. Kasztanowa 30, 34-300 Zywiec, NIP 553-225-09-93
§ 2 Provision of services by electronic means:
2.1 In the course of his Online Store Service Provider undertakes to provide electronic services to the extent and under the conditions specified in the Regulations.
2.2 Provision of services by the Service Provider electronically free of charge.
2.3 Conditions for the provision of services electronically:
2.3.1. Customer Service Account:
The contract for the provision of services electronically which consists in conducting Customer Account in the Online Store is concluded at the time of registration.
To make the registration it is necessary to specify in the registration form the following data for the Customer: name, address (street, house number, town and postcode), email address, contact telephone number and password.
A customer who has made registration has access to additional features available through the Customer Account, such as order history, the ability to determine at what stage of implementation is complex order and the ability to receive information about new products and promotions (if you marked the "Subscribe to our newsletter")
Agreement on provision of services electronically involving the conduct of accounts is concluded for an indefinite period.
2.3.2. Service interactive form:
The contract for the provision of services electronically which consists in the provision of interactive form that allows the submission of orders in the Online Store is concluded at the start of use of the above services (adding a Product to the basket).
The contract for the provision of services electronically which consists in the provision of interactive form that allows the submission of orders in the Online Store is concluded for a period of time and shall terminate upon the submission of the Order.
2.3.3. Service Newsletter:
The contract for the provision of services by electronic newsletter is concluded at the time of delivery on the Online Store tab "Newsletter" e-mail address and click the "Sign up" or at the moment in which the customer remarked appropriate box (check-box) at the time of registration, agreeing to our newsletter service.
You can subscribe to the newsletter from the website where the information in the footer is "enter your email."
Contracts for the provision of services by electronic newsletter is concluded for an indefinite period.
2.4. Conditions for termination of contracts for the provision of services electronically:
2.4.1. Customer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services by electronic means of continuous by the Service at any time (eg. Removing the Customer Account). Termination occurs without incurring any additional costs and without indicating the reasons: Termination can be made by sending a relevant statement by e-mail or writing to the address of the Service Provider (indicated at the outset of this Regulation). The agreement in this case will expire after 7 days of receipt of the notice by the Service Provider.
2.4.2. The service provider has the right to terminate the agreement for the provision of electronic services while maintaining 7 day notice if the customer provides illegal content.
2.4.3. Termination and termination of the contract does not involve the loss of rights already acquired by the customer using the Online Store Seller.
2.4.4. The consumer has the right to cancel the contract for the provision of services by electronic means within 14 days of its conclusion (see § 7 of the Regulations)
§3 Conclusion of the sales contract
3.1. The customer has a choice of the following ways to place an order:
a) an order after prior registration under Online Store;
b) an order without registering called. "fast shopping";
3.2. Placing an order for registered customers Online Store is the addition of the relevant goods to the cart online. In the event that the Customer all the interesting objects are in the basket, you must place an order to do this you must be logged into your account. Then selects the delivery of goods and finally payment option. Depending on the chosen method of payment, the customer is redirected to a partner that supports payment or in case of transfer payment the customer receives detailed information on the data to transfer.
3.3. If you choose the "fast shopping" (point §3.1.b) of the Regulations), after selecting the product, click the "Check out, then you can continue shopping or click the" shopping without registration "and make a purchase. To place an order the Customer You will be asked to complete your contact information, data or invoices and account data for shipment. In the next step customer is asked to choose the method of delivery and payment method.
3.4. When ordering, referred to in point. 3.1 of the Rules of Client is obliged to provide data corresponding to the truth.
3.5. When submitting orders to be confirmed familiarize yourself with these rules.
3.6. Placing an order at the moment of clicking on the button "order with obligation to pay" or other equivalent wording of the example. "Confirm order"
3.7. After receiving the system Online Store order, each will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer automated message acknowledging receipt of the order.
3.8. Order, whose receipt was acknowledged by the system Online Store (§3.7 Regulations) constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 66 § 1 of the Civil Code and is the basis for the conclusion of the sales contract between the Customer and Reseller.
3.9. An order placed by the customer and not confirmed by the Seller within 48 hours stops to tie him.
3.10. Seller in the event of the accession to the order confirms the fact that a separate email message entitled "Payment accepted" or "Preparation underway"
3.11. The sale agreement is considered concluded upon receipt of the message from the Seller, confirming the accession to the contract (the message referred to in paragraph 3.10. Of this Regulation)
3.12. The customer may cancel an order or to modify it, for this purpose:
a) contact the Seller by telephone;
b) contact the Seller via e-mail;
3.13. Orders are handled by the department of customer service Online Store on weekdays, ie. From Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, hours 9.00-16.00.
3.14. Commercial information included in the online store does not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 66 of the Civil Code, but are an invitation to tender, even if this information contains a unit price of the goods.
§4 Payment, delivery, reception
4.1 Payment
4.1.1. For the performance of the sales contract customer is obliged to pay as indicated in the contract price of goods and the cost of shipping.
4.1.2. The price of individual goods presented in the Online Store is the gross price expressed in Polish zloty (PLN), which also includes the payable value-added tax at the prevailing rate. Prices do not include, however, the potential cost of shipping, which will be indicated when ordering.
4.1.3. The payment is in the form chosen by the customer:
a) cash - cash on delivery
b) non-cash:
-paid transfer to the account store 43 1140 2004 0000 3902 7463 2726.
- Payment through the settlement agent that is Allegro SA headquartered in Poznan, 60-324 Poznan, ul. Marcelińska 90, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number 0000274399, which has NIP: 779-23-08-495, with a share capital of 4,000,000 PLN paid in full.
-paid through a settlement agent that is PayPal (Europe) S.à amp; & Cie, SCA with registered office at L-1150 Luxembourg is duly licensed as a Luxembourg credit institution within the meaning of Article 2 of the Law on the financial sector out of 5 April 1993 as amended, and is subject to strict supervision by the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Financial Sector Supervisory Commission).
4.1.4. The price given for each commodity is binding at the time of order. This price will not change regardless of the price changes in the store online, which may arise in relation to particular goods at the Customer Order.
4.2. Supply
4.2.1. Orders placed by customers Online Store are completed by the Seller within 2-15 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract in accordance with the Regulations §3.10. At execution time consists of the time required to complete the contract. Most goods are available from stock and is sent within 2 days of receipt of payment. In the case of goods that are made at the customer's waiting time can range 5-15 days.
4.2.2. Shipping of ordered goods is only to addresses found on Polish territory. In order to place orders involving the shipment abroad, please contact individually with the Seller or the selection of the appropriate country in order forms.
4.2.3. Unless stated otherwise, the Seller agrees to the execution of the contract, no later than thirty days after the deposit of the buyer's declaration of will of the desire of the contract (§ 3.7 of the Rules).
4.2.4. Delivery time depends on the method of delivery / receipt of goods selected by the customer and should not exceed 7 working days from the conclusion of the contract of sale in accordance with § 3.10 of the Regulations.
4.2.5. Seller entrusts the supply of goods to third parties leading in the field of economic activities depending on the choice of the customer specified in the order may be: the courier company DHL, DPD, GLS or Post Office carrier Poland.
4.3. Receiving goods
4.3.1. Seller announce that customers have the right to check the status of the consignment after its arrival at the place specified in the order. Check the status of the consignment shall be entitled to before the reception of the carrier.
4.3.2. In the event that, before the release of the consignment turns out that she has suffered loss or damage that the carrier has an obligation to itself immediately establish a protocol status of the consignment and the circumstances of the damage. However, in most cases, the carrier performs these activities at the request of the person entitled to receive.
4.3.3. Please be advised that if after the delivery you notice loss or damage that could not be seen from the outside, you have the right immediately after the disclosure of the damage, but no later than within 7 days from the receipt of the consignment, to require the carrier to determine the status of the consignment.
4.3.4. In case of any problems or questions, please contact the Seller at the telephone number indicated on the website of the Seller.
§ 5 Personal data
5.1. Filling data in the Order Form is tantamount to consent to the processing of personal data the Purchaser by the Seller and the entity authorized by the Seller to manage website content, the Online Shop is an integral part in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997. Data protection ( Dz. U. of 2010. No. 229, item. 1497, as amended. amended). Employer personal data will be processed in order to carry out the order, including the invoice and conduct financial reporting. These data are confidential and will not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.
5.2. Personal data are protected by the Employer Data Administrator in accordance with the above-cited Act on the protection of personal data, and will not be transferred, sold, or lent to other persons or institutions that are not entitled to it. Personal data ordering party will be made available to fulfill the contract of sale products covered by these regulations.
5.3. Access to personal data is only controller.
5.4. A customer who filled out the order form has access to personal data concerning him for the purpose of verification, modification or deletion of their personal data from the database, notifying the Administrator of data writing to the address APG Anita Gmitrzykowska, ul. Kasztanowa 30, 34-300 Zywiec, or e-mail address
§ 6 Complaints
6.1. Complaints relating to the purchased goods:
6.1.1. Seller shall be liable to the Client on the terms set out in the Civil Code of 23 April 1964. (OJ No 16, pos. 93, as amended.) And other generally applicable laws.
6.1.2. When the goods purchased by the customer violates the contract or a defect is the fact notify the Seller and, if appropriate, provide defective goods to the Seller at the following address:
APG Anita Gmitrzykowska
ul. Kasztanowa 30
34-300 Zywiec
6.1.3. It is recommended to submit the complaint in writing or by e-mail to, in order to accelerate and facilitate the process of considering the complaint it is recommended that they be sent along with the complaint any further information such as such as order number, date of sale, etc. Consideration of the complaint shall take place immediately, but not later than within 14 days. A response to the complaint will be sent to the address specified by the customer or in any other manner specified by the customer. Seller indicates that in the case of products covered by the warranty rights in this respect should be carried out in accordance with the terms set out in the warranty card. The warranty on the product sold does not exclude, limit or suspend the rights of the Client Vendors liability to the extent specified by law the Civil Code dated 23 April 1964. (OJ No 16, pos. 93, as amended.)
6.1.4. In order to facilitate the complaint of the goods consumer may use the complaint form provided by the Seller.
6.2. Complaints related to the provision of services electronically via the Internet shop:
6.2.1. Complaints related to the provision of services electronically via the Online Store must be submitted by e-mail, or by mail to the address of the shop:
APG Anita Gmitrzykowska, 30 Chestnut Street, 34-300 Zywiec
6.2.2. In order to facilitate and accelerate the complaint is advisable to specify the messages referred to in point. 1 information such as e-mail, type, date of occurrence of irregularities and contact details.
6.2.3. Consideration of the complaint related to the provision of electronic services shall immediately, not later than 14 working days.
6.2.4. A response to the complaint is sent to the e-mail client or in any other manner provided by the Client.
§ 7 Withdrawal
7.1. The customer who is also a consumer within the meaning of art. 22 [1] of the Civil Code of 23 April 1964. (Journal of Laws No. 16, pos. 93, as amended.), Who concluded at a distance, may withdraw from it without giving reasons, making a statement within fourteen ( 14 days. To comply with the deadline, you must send a statement before its expiry. The declaration may be sent to the following address:
APG Anita Gmitrzykowska, 30 Chestnut Street, 34-300 Zywiec
7.2. The deadline fourteen, in which the consumer may terminate the contract of sale or a contract for the provision of services electronically counted from the date of the Product for the Sales Agreement and the agreement covers the provision of services through elektroniczną- from the date of its conclusion.
7.3. Seller immediately after receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract The consumer sends a message mail confirmation of receipt of the above. statements.
7.4. In the event of withdrawal - sales agreement or contract for the provision of services electronically is considered null and void. What pages rendered shall be returned unchanged, unless a change was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of things, or it is applicable § 7.7. Regulations. The reimbursement should take place immediately, not later than fourteen days.
7.5. Seller will refund the payments received from the consumer using the same method of payment, which used the consumer, unless the consumer expressly agrees to a different way of return, which is not binding for him any costs. Seller may withhold the reimbursement payments received from the consumer to the receipt of things back, or the consumer has supplied evidence of her return, depending on which event occurs first.
7.6. The consumer shall only bear the direct cost of returning items to the Seller.
7.7. If the consumer has chosen a method for providing the cheapest things other than the normal delivery offered by the Seller, the Seller is not obliged to return the consumer incurred by him additional costs
7.8. The consumer is responsible for the decrease in the value of things as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of things.
7.9. The right of withdrawal from a distance contract the consumer is not entitled to be the case:
7.9.1. service, if the entrepreneur made a full service with the express consent of the consumer, who has been informed before the provision that under the provision of the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;
7.9.2. in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market that the trader does not control, and which may occur before the deadline to withdraw from the agreement;
7.9.3. in which the object is to provide for the non-prefabricated, manufactured according to the specifications of the consumer or maid meet its individual needs. This point applies to orders for photographic backgrounds that are printed on a special customer in size and specifications given by the customer;
7.9.4 in which the object is to provide for the rapid decay dispersible or having a short shelf life;
7.9.5. in which the subject of the provision is the thing delivered in a sealed container, which after opening the package can not return due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if it were unsealed after delivery;
7.9.6. in which the subject of the benefits are things that after delivery, due to their nature, are inextricably linked with other things;
7.9.7. in which the subject of the provision of alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed at the conclusion of the contract of sale and the supply of which can only take place after 30 days and the value of which depends on fluctuations in the market, the trader does not control;
7.9.8. in which the consumer has specifically demanded that the entrepreneur came to him in order to make urgent repairs or maintenance; if the trader provides additional services other than those where the performance of the consumer demanded or provides things other than the parts necessary for repair or maintenance, right of withdrawal granted to the consumer for additional services or goods;
7.9.9. which are the subject of the provision of sound or visual recordings or computer software delivered in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery;
7.9.10. about delivering newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;
7.9.11 contained in a public auction;
7.9.12. for the provision of accommodation other than for residential purpose, the carriage of goods, car rental, catering, services related to leisure activities, events, entertainment, sports or cultural, if the agreement marked a day or period of performance;
7.9.13. for the supply of digital content which is not stored on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the express consent of the consumer before the deadline to withdraw from the contract and after having informed him by a trader of the loss of the right of withdrawal.
7.10. At the latest at the time of delivery of goods Seller provide consumer durable medium instruction to withdraw from the contract. [PP1]
§ 8 Additional Information
8.1. To avoid possible inconsistencies or errors recommended that the device by means of which the customer uses the store meet at least the following technical requirements that are necessary to work with the ICT system used by the Service Provider:
8.1.1. A computer or other mobile device with Internet access.
8.1.2. Web Browser: a.) Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later b.) Mozilla FireFox 4.0 or later, or c.) Google Chrome version 1.0 or later with
8.1.3. Active plug - JAVA, FLASH
8.1.4. Monitor resolution 1280 x 800, color 24 or 32 bit
8.1.5. Having the customer an e-mail account or facebook
8.2. Information for Customer Online Store how can check if your order does not contain errors, and also how it can be corrected:
8.2.1. When ordering until you press the "order with obligation to pay" or other equivalent wording of the customer has the possibility to change the data entered (eg. The type / quantity of goods / delivery method). In case of non-compliance should be guided prompts the customer communications and information available on the website of Online Store and its subsequent pages. In case of any problems or difficulties, please contact us - mail or call us at 726 347 574 (standard fee by the relevant operator).
8.2.2. According to these regulations after the order is given in the order e-mail is automatically sent to an e-mail confirming receipt of the order. Message will also identify any necessary order information (e-mail message, referred to in § 3.7. Of the Rules). In the case of an error the customer as to the input data (eg. The quantity of the goods, incorrect calculation of orders by the system), the client has the right to order changes. You may exercise this right within two hours of receiving confirmation of the receipt of orders in the days to hours. 14:00 and in other cases within 12 hours of receipt of this confirmation. For this purpose, it is advisable to send an e-mail address a request to amend or to report a willingness to change by telephone by contacting the phone number 726 347 574 (standard fee by the relevant operator) .After the correction order Seller sends the message e- mail to the address specified in the order, in which there will be confirmation of a revised order.
8.3. The principles and methods of preservation, protection and sharing by the entrepreneur on the other side of the concluded agreement:
8.3.1. Fixation, security and access to the concluded agreement follows: By sending client to the e-mail confirmation of the agreement. By printing and handing the customer together with the receipt and shipment of goods specifications of the contract and proof of purchase.
8.3.2. The content of the concluded agreement is further perpetuated and protected in the IT system vendors and customers transferred to their every demand.
8.4. In matters not covered in these Rules shall apply przepisyobowiązującego in the Republic of Polish law, including the Civil Code, the Act Statement of electronic services of 18 July 2002. (Journal of Laws No. 144, item. 1204, as amended.), Act consumer rights on 30 May 2014. (Dz. U. of 2014. pos. 827) and other relevant provisions of Polish law.
8.5. Changes in the regulations:
8.5.1. Service Provider reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions, the Client will be notified at least 14 days in advance of the date of entry into force of the amendments. Information on the changes will also be expressed in a clear way by posting on the website of Online Store and sent to the email address registered client. In addition, each customer will be asked to approve the new regulations before placing orders.
8.5.2. The revised regulations applies to the customer, if they were preserved the requirements of Article.
8.5.3. Changes to the Rules of Procedure shall in no way prejudice the rights acquired by the Clients using the Online Store prior to the entry into force of amendments, in particular, does not affect the complex and / or implemented the order. In this case, the order will be executed under the terms of the previous regulations.
8.6. The contract of sale of goods is concluded in accordance with Polish law and in Polish.
8.7. The customer who is a consumer in case of dispute with the Seller has the opportunity to benefit from non-judicial means of dealing with complaints and redress. The consumer can .:
a) apply to the permanent arbitration court of the consumer operating at the Trade Inspection with a request for resolution of a dispute arising from the concluded Purchase Agreement.
b) ask the provincial inspector of Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings on the amicable settlement of the dispute between Customer and Reseller.
c) get free help in the settlement of the dispute between the Customer and Reseller, using the free assistance of district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or social organization to which statutory tasks include consumer protection (including the Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers).
8.8. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Client which is not yet a consumer within the meaning of art. 22 [1] of the Civil Code of 23 April 1964. (Journal of Laws No. 16, pos. 93, as amended.), Are subjected to the competent court for the seat Sellers
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